Our Personalized Approach to Medical Weight Loss in Leawood

A mature woman smiles while meeting white a doctor to discuss medical weight loss in Leawood

We understand that week-long juice cleanses and overly restrictive “raw” diets may sound appealing for fast-tracking weight loss, but in reality, it’s not that simple. These ineffective quick fixes deplete your water weight, not fat, so any results will be minor and short-lived. 

Food is not the enemy—your mind and body rely on a specific amount of calories and nutrients to function every day. Hence why most people only stick to these diet fads for a couple of weeks before returning to their normal routine.

At Regain Functional Medicine + Aesthetics, our experienced physicians understand the science behind sustainable weight loss. We’ve curated the ultimate, personalized program for medical weight loss in Leawood, designed for realistic, long-term success. 

What are the benefits of medical weight loss programs?

There’s no “secret” to weight loss. Looking and feeling your best in your physique requires an in-depth understanding of what your body needs, which is where we come in! 

Our approach to medical weight loss isn’t just aimed to boost your confidence, but also to get you feeling, functioning, and moving your best. Our medical providers take the time to understand your unique genetics and your specific struggles and goals, so we can take the guesswork out of the equation. 

We recognize that uncontrollable factors, like aging and hormonal imbalances, can make losing weight even more difficult, so we also offer HRT for weight loss in Kansas City. Your genetics are also responsible for determining your metabolism—how quickly your body burns through calories—so we may recommend semaglutide in Leawood or Lawrence to regulate your appetite and give you a head start. 

Our comprehensive plans focus on enhancing your routine. Beyond weight loss, we provide science-backed recommendations that can also enhance muscle-building, energy production, quality of sleep, and libido.

How Regain Personalizes Your Plan

Some clinics may try to sell you on a “miracle” product, diet, or treatment, but we understand that sustainable weight loss requires consistency. During your initial consultation with a Regain specialist, we’ll conduct a BodyComp report to measure your BMI (body mass index) and inform your custom plan. 

This allows us—and you—to understand what’s going on beneath the surface, so we can determine the best practices to support your results. When you come to Regain, you gain access to compassionate, professional support that continues even after you’ve reached your goal weight. 

Regain Your Body Confidence

At Regain Functional Medicine + Aesthetics, we offer personalized, comprehensive solutions because we recognize that what you need to look, feel, and function your best is unique to you. Our unique approach to medical weight loss in Leawood is comprehensive—restoring your confidence and health simultaneously. 

Kickstart your journey to the happiest, healthiest version of you today with our virtual treatment planning tool, or request a consultation to meet with a specialist in person!