Why You Should Try Body Contouring in Kansas City

An option for Body Contouring in Kansas City

Losing weight and transforming your appearance requires a lot of effort. If you want to see legitimate weight loss results, you probably need to make a lot of large-scale lifestyle adjustments. But there’s an additional hard truth when it comes to weight loss.

You can lose all the weight you want, and your body still may not look the way you want it to. If you’re after a toned, washboard look, then you may be surprised at just how difficult that look is to achieve. As a result, you may want to consider a little bit of outside help.

Fortunately, Regain Functional Medicine + Aesthetics may have the solution you need. See for yourself why body contouring in Kansas City could be the ticket to the body you’ve dreamed about.

Body Contouring

Most of us are familiar with the idea of contouring, at least in how it relates to makeup and cosmetics. And while the body contouring process is a bit more in-depth than applying makeup, the general idea remains the same.

We want to sculpt your figure to change the appearance of your body. Body contouring is a safe, non-surgical method for eliminating excess fat and toning muscles. Some patients hear this description of the procedure and mistakenly assume that it is an alternative to traditional weight loss methods.

However, you should only undergo body contouring if you’ve already lost weight and want to make a cosmetic change. We want to make sure you’re at or near your ideal weight before you consider this treatment.

Non-Surgical Methods

At Regain Medicine + Aesthetics, we want to take the hassle out of cosmetic procedures. Some people avoid going to an aesthetic clinic because they think it will require weeks or months of recovery.

The general public may not be aware of just how fast the cosmetic industry has advanced in recent years. As a result of these advancements, you don’t have to go under the knife to experience noticeable effects.

We want you to feel excited about the idea of an aesthetic treatment at our clinic. So, if you’ve always wanted a slimmer silhouette, don’t wait any longer. Come see us soon.

The Power of PHYSIQ

At Regain, we trust PHYSIQ for body contouring in Kansas City. PHYSIQ is an incredible cosmetic procedure that uses specialized pulses of electricity and deep tissue heating with radiofrequency to stimulate muscle growth and melt stubborn fat.

We don’t believe in offering treatments that provide subpar results.

An example of Body Contouring in Kansas City

When you get a procedure like this done, you want people to notice! After you complete the recommended number of treatments, the results should be apparent and plain to see.

PHYSIQ can also treat a number of different areas all over the body, from the legs to the stomach to the arms. Our technology is here to assist and inspire you, not limit you, which is why we strive to provide you with the most versatile treatments possible.

What PHYSIQ Treats

PHYSIQ body contouring in Kansas City doesn’t just burn fat or reduce cellulite. While it is very effective at melting troublesome, stubborn layers of fat from the body, it boosts those results by stimulating the muscles as well. In some ways, PHYSIQ works in the same way that a regular workout does.

This treatment causes the muscles to contract, which in turn makes them look more prominent beneath the skin. So, not only will you have less fat in the treatment areas, but the muscles beneath the fat will be more toned and pronounced.

When combined, these two treatment methods result in a more pronounced change. You’ll be surprised at how effective PHYSIQ can be.

The Initial Consultation

The first step in any of our treatments at Regain is the initial consultation. The initial consultation is vital to developing a strong relationship with each and every one of our patients.

At Regain, we don’t just want to push you out the door as soon as your treatment is complete. We want to facilitate an environment that allows you to feel comfortable asking questions and raising concerns.

Your wellness journey is ever-evolving, and we believe that your treatment plan should reflect that. When you meet with us, we’ll sit you down and ask you a few simple questions about what you’re looking to achieve from your treatment.

What kind of results are you hoping to see, and what conditions are you looking to treat? Next, our provider will do a quick physical assessment to assure you are a good candidate and determine which of our treatments is right for you. Afterward, we’ll get your session scheduled.

The PHYSIQ Procedure

PHYSIQ body contouring in Kansas City is a convenient process that won’t leave you out of commission. On the day of your procedure, we’ll get you checked in and bring you back to the treatment room. We’ll let you ask any more questions you have about the process, and then we can get to work.

Another example of Body Contouring in Kansas City

Despite using electrical pulses to melt off fat and tone muscle, the PHYSIQ treatment is entirely painless.

The Aftermath

If you’ve ever completed a more invasive cosmetic procedure, like plastic surgery, then you may assume that you’ll need a long recovery time following the completion of PHYSIQ body contouring in Kansas City. But this isn’t the case.

In fact, you shouldn’t need to take any downtime at all after your procedure is complete. That isn’t to say that your PHYSIQ journey is entirely complete, however. We recommend that you complete at least 5 PHYSIQ sessions to see the best results possible.

If you don’t complete the recommended number of sessions, then you may find that the treatment’s effects aren’t as pronounced as you may have hoped.

An Extra Boost

PHYSIQ isn’t the only thing you can do to overhaul your appearance at Regain. Not everyone is  aware of all of the options we have for cosmetic treatment at Regain, which is why we offer the BodyRight package.

The BodyRight package combines PHYSIQ treatment with Deep Virtue RF microneedling. Microneedling deep into the treatment area, allows heat to penetrate into the tissue to dissolve and break down fat along with tightening and improving the skin’s tone and texture. 

The “RF” in Virtue RF stands for radiofrequency, the energy that makes microneedling an effective cosmetic treatment option.

The handheld microneedling applicator creates numerous micro injuries with small needles at the device’s tip. Simultaneously, it delivers radiofrequency energy deep into the skin to stimulate collagen production.

Collagen is a naturally occurring protein that aids in the formation of a number of important biological materials, like muscle, tendon, and skin. So, when more collagen appears in the treatment area, younger, fresher skin is soon to follow.

You don’t need to live with loose or sagging skin with the help of Deep Virtue RF microneedling. And when this procedure is combined with PHYSIQ, you can see a marketable difference in your appearance.

Regain Functional Medicine + Aesthetics

We hope you’ve learned a little more about body contouring in Kansas City. Before you go, we’d like to tell you a little more about who we are and why we could be the right choice for your cosmetic needs.

We started Regain because we wanted to be a resource for the people of the Kansas City area. Many people’s perception of the cosmetic and aesthetic industry is quite negative. But they don’t understand how effective contemporary aesthetic treatments can be.

We have a variety of different treatments available to treat a variety of your concerns. 

The Regain Team

A clinic like ours is nothing without a capable team behind us. And our team is the best of the best. It’s important to us that every one of our medical providers is passionate about our industry. In our industry, building relationships with our patients is a major part of what we do. 

We want everyone to feel comfortable talking to us about their cosmetic insecurities and concerns, so we make sure that our providers are deeply invested in the aesthetic industry. When your medical provider goes the extra mile for you, you can feel it every step of the way.

Living Better

The core tenant of the Regain philosophy is helping all of our patients live better. Some people assume that a clinic like ours is all about helping people look better, but there’s more to it than that.

The place for Body Contouring in Kansas City

When we prescribe a treatment plan for you, we want it to result in improvements to all aspects of your life. You won’t just look better, you’ll move better, feel better, and live better.

Begin Your Wellness Journey

Are you excited to begin your wellness journey? Want to see if you’re the right fit for body sculpting in Kansas City? Then take a look at our treatment planning tool.

This tool will ask you to answer a few simple questions so we can begin formulating your treatment plan. Get started now!


Treatment Planning Tool