Thinning hair happens. 50% of women and over 50% of men experience it across the US. It can be caused by stress, by genetics, by pregnancy, and even by medication.
What’s pretty much universal: nobody wants it to happen to them.
At Regain Functional Medicine + Aesthetics we understand this completely. That’s why we offer hair loss treatment in Lawrence at our Leawood location, using our state-of-the-art GetHairMD hair restoration program. This advanced hair loss restoration therapy includes laser skin rejuvenation and specialized growth serums for effective, advanced treatment of hair loss.
Schedule a free hair loss consultation in Lawrence, so that we can talk about your concerns, examine the treatment areas, and provide you with proven, nonsurgical treatment that helps your body grow back that hair.
What’s the best cure for hair loss?
That’s the first question we usually get during a consultation about hair loss treatment in Lawrence. Unfortunately, there’s no magic wand to point and say “Voila! This one.”
The “best” cure for hair loss is the one the works best for:
- Your hair
- Your lifestyle
- Your body’s capabilities
There’s no one-size-fits-all remedy; however, that doesn’t mean the answer has to be complicated. Our consultation and any tests we do related to your situation will help to pinpoint the best initial course of action.
How We Know It’s Working
For hair loss treatment in Lawrence, we use the HairMetrixⓇ imaging system to monitor and document your hair’s progress.
HairMetrix offers fully automated real-time analysis of your hair growth without need for hair clipping. It displays a live image during the examination, which can be magnified, saved, and analyzed. HairMetrix also can print reports showing pictures and graphs of your progress.
With this analysis, if we’re not seeing the growth we want visually and/or in the data, we can adjust the treatment(s) to achieve optimal results.
Your Choice for Hair Loss Treatment
In Lawrence, we love nature-based therapies that help our bodies help themselves. That’s part of the reason why Regain chooses nonsurgical and minimally invasive or completely noninvasive treatments.
We see each patient as a whole person, not as a set of symptoms to be medicated. With that systemic approach in mind, we chose the GetHairMD system based on how it supports your body’s ability to help—and heal—itself.
Related topic: Finding effective hair restoration for women in Kansas City.
A Physician-Guided Program
Regain is proud to be the exclusive provider for the advanced GetHairMD program. This therapy provides surgery-free treatment for hair restoration.
For hair loss treatment in Lawrence, we refer our Lawrence patients to Leawood to get this state-of-the-art program. There men and women reap the benefits of a treatment guided by world-class physicians, who may also recommend other methods of hair restoration—even a hair transplant.

These physicians guide every step of your GetHairMD process, including:
- Researching and approving every GetHairMD treatment, product, and procedure.
- Creating and prescribing treatment programs tailored to your needs.
- Monitoring your progress and adjusting plans as necessary.
The GetHairMD Hair Restoration Process
GetHairMD uses cutting-edge technology combined with nutritional support and medical expertise to treat hair loss of any kind. This combination includes:
- In-office treatments (lasers, infusions)
- Personalized prescriptions (hair growth products, nutritional supplements)
- At-home care (medical-grade hair care, specialized laser cap)
We can do the in-office treatments over a lunch hour, and the prescriptions and at-home care provide support for your treatments, keeping your scalp healthy and ready to grow better, stronger hair.
A 3-Step Approach
The earlier you begin your hair loss treatment in Lawrence, the better your results will be. Regain Functional Medicine + Aesthetics helps you stop and even retrace hair loss while there’s still time.
GetHairMD helps you address this hair loss in 3 comfortable, relaxing, and surprisingly easy therapeutic steps.
Step 1: The Clinical Hair Growth Laser
This powerful red light system brings new life to scalp cells, including those all-important hair follicles. The device features four compact panels that your Regain provider will lower to the right height for a full, 360 degree immersive scalp treatment.
Each panel is packed with diodes that emit focused red light energy. As you relax in a comfortable chair, the hair growth laser delivers consistent beams that crisscross the treatment zones. This ensures your entire scalp receives full coverage and maximum benefit.
Step 2: Follicular Infusion Technology
GetHairMD’s Follicular Infusion System drives growth activator serum deep into the hair follicle bulbs in one 20-minute treatment per month.
Our needleless infusion technology sends gentle, controlled electrical pulses into the skin to drive the growth factor serum more deeply into dermal layers. The serum penetrates via your skin’s natural water-based channels, allowing macro- and micro-molecules to migrate directly through the skin.
GetHairMD’s Growth Serum
The proprietary serum formulation combines classic and innovative ingredients to:
- Revitalize hair follicles to encourage growth
- Enhance hair anchoring, keeping strands secure
- Improve scalp health for a strong foundation
- Replenish strand density, thickness, and shine
- Reverse the appearance of hair loss for a refreshed, full look
Step 3: At Home Care
GetHairMD uses your genetic information to create a hair growth serum tailored just for you. By analyzing your unique data, our lab identifies the medications and ingredients most likely to deliver the best results for you. We don’t use guesswork, just science-based solutions specifically curated to fit your body’s needs.
Medical-Grade Products Just for You
You’ll have to have a prescription to use our medical-grade ingredients during your hair restoration therapy. With your genomic profile results in hand, the GetHairMD pharmacy will recommend a suitable product. Upon your approval, they prepare your prescription and ship it straight to your door.
Related topic: Finding the best male pattern baldness treatment in Kansas City.
GetHairMD Results
Results usually show in 3 different stages as your body begins to heal itself.
Some patients progress through all 3 stages within the first 2 to 3 months. In general, most patients experience visible hair regrowth around the 6-month mark.
1st Stage: Reducing Hair Loss
As GetHairMD’s lasers, serums, and home treatments begin to stabilize your existing hair, it reduces the shedding and thinning that underpins pattern baldness.
2nd Stage: Improved Hair Health
Your current hair grows thicker and fuller, with a renewed, healthier shine and stronger strands.
3rd Stage: New Hair Growth
Follicles that had been choked and/or “gone dormant” start to regrow new, thick, full-sized hairs.
With GetHairMD, you won’t have to deal with downtime. Our in-office treatments only take about 20–30 minutes at the Leawood location! Plus, your prescriptions and at-home care products keep working for you, making it easy to fit hair loss treatment in Lawrence into your busy life without missing a beat.

Your free hair loss consultation will help your Regain provider understand your underlying concerns. It will also inform the treatment modalities and prescription medications for optimal efficacy. Then, GetHairMD’s genomic swab test will help ensure any growth factors or other medicines chosen for you will work well with your specific biology.
GetHairMD at Regain promotes hair growth from the follicle level, from a nutritional aspect, and through enhanced self-care techniques—all without surgery.
An Additional Hair Loss Treatment: Keravive
Sometimes hair loss happens from build-up. Dead skin cells, oils produced by our glands (sebum), sweat, and leftovers from the hair products can clog hair follicles. This can irritate the follicle, causing inflammation and possibly infection, and thus reducing the follicle’s ability to grow healthy, strong hair—or to grow hair at all.
This clogging can also stop nutrients from reaching the root of the follicles. This includes from the top down (serums and externally applied growth factors), and from inside (reduced blood flow to the follicles).
In extreme cases of build-up, folliculitis can occur. This infection can cause permanent hair loss and scarring.
Deep Scalp Cleansing to the Rescue
Our HydraFacial system at Regain can deeply cleanse your scalp, setting the stage for improved hair growth and/or regrowth.
Using the unique HydraFacial applicator, your Regain provider cleanses and exfoliates your scalp, unclogging hair follicles as it hydrates the skin. The exfoliation and massage-like movement of the device also promotes improved blood flow.
As part of the process, Keravive™ serums are applied, containing growth factors and beneficial proteins. With the follicles now cleared and ready to receive nourishment and hydration, the Keravive peptides penetrate more deeply to maximize the health of the hair follicle.
Having our HydraFacial Keravive treatment done to your scalp also prepares it for GetHairMD therapy at our Regain location in Leawood.
Don’t Split Hairs About Hair Restoration
Your hair loss treatment in Lawrence must fit your needs and your unique biology to achieve the best results. At Regain, we offer multiple treatment modalities so that you can get the just-right treatment plan to restore your flow. Schedule a free hair restoration consultation, and let’s get the growing going!
About Regain
At Regain Functional Medicine + Aesthetics, we do things differently. Our first job is to listen. Our team of care professionals will make sure you are heard. Then, we’ll join you on your aesthetic and wellness journey, providing support, guidance, and access to the latest in personal care innovations.
Lawrence voted Regain to be among the top 5 medical spas in the River City! Your support and trust mean the world to us. We are truly committed to this community and are proud to serve you with the highest standards of care and excellence.
Here’s to you being able to:
- Feel better.
- Function better.
- Move better.
- Look better.