Simplify Your Hangover Recovery in Lawrence | Regain

A provider performs Hangover Recovery in Lawrence

Simplify Your Hangover Recovery in Lawrence | Regain

There’s nothing better than a night on the town. Grabbing a few drinks during a tailgate or a concert—it’s the kind of event you look forward to all week. What you probably don’t look forward to is the morning after the event.

Waking up with pain behind the eyes, dry mouth, and a queasy stomach can throw a wrench in your entire day. Sometimes, it seems like every hangover is worse than the one that came before. And that all comes down to hydration.

Thanks to an IV treatment at Regain Functional Medicine + Aesthetics, you can rehydrate and replenish your nutrient levels to reduce the effects of your hangover. Read on to see if you could benefit from our hangover recovery in Lawrence.

Hello to Better Health

Regain Functional Medicine + Aesthetics is a medical spa staffed by trained providers who can help you feel your best. We provide treatments that can offer noticeable results, inside and out. 

The place for Hangover Recovery in Lawrence

We have an enormous selection of treatments to choose from, from skincare to injectables to IV therapy. Our team members care deeply about your well-being, and we want you to experience results you’re excited about.

Contact our team to see if you can benefit from one of our IV treatments.

IVs, IVs, IVs!

IV therapy is an extremely versatile treatment method. Not only is IV a perfect choice for rehydration, but it can also help patients suffering from conditions like:

  • High stress
  • Tinnitus (ears ringing)
  • Brain fog
  • Excess Fat
  • Vitamin deficiency
  • Jetlag
  • Damaged skin
  • Weak joints
  • Poor focus
  • And much more

We decided to offer IV therapy because of the fantastic wellness results it can provide. Regain Functional Medicine + Aesthetics can be your solution for a number of different aesthetic and wellness concerns.

With IV therapy at Regain, you don’t need to visit a dozen clinics to treat a dozen conditions.

The Importance of Electrolytes

If you want to understand why an IV treatment at Regain is so effective, you first need to understand the importance of electrolytes. An electrolyte is a mineral that has either a negative or positive charge after it has been dissolved in water.

That may sound a little complicated, but the most important thing to know about electrolytes is that you can find them in almost every cell in the body. You naturally lose electrolytes when you urinate or sweat, so when you become dehydrated, your electrolyte levels may become imbalanced.

You want to maintain the proper levels, because electrolytes are essential parts in some important biological processes. So how exactly do electrolytes help the body?

The Benefits of Electrolytes

Electrolytes are very important for maintaining proper hydration in the body. While everyone understands the importance of drinking lots of water, they may not understand why water is so important. Not only can water supply essential nutrients to your cells, it also cools the body, assists in organ function, and even improves your mood.

Electrolytes can help foster proper hydration through osmosis. Osmosis is the process wherein water moves through cell walls in search of a concentrated solution. This way, cells don’t burst or shrivel when your hydration levels are unbalanced.

But that’s not the only thing electrolytes can do. They can also ensure that your body has the right pH levels. The optimal pH level is 7.35 to 7.45. Any more or any less, and you may become sick or confused.

Electrolytes are also a vital component of the nervous system. They help your body send signals from your nerves to the cells across the body. Sodium—an electrolyte—helps the body change electrical charges in the nerve cell.

And every time you contract a muscle, your body is using electrolytes. Muscle fibers would not be able to slide and contract without the help of electrolytes like calcium and magnesium.

How Do We Lose Electrolytes?

A balanced diet should provide your body with the right amount of electrolytes. Unfortunately, you may lose excess electrolytes if you vomit or have diarrhea (common symptoms of a hangover).

If you need to replace your electrolytes, then an IV may be the perfect solution for you.

An electrolyte imbalance can result in a number of serious problems, like fatigue, confusion, numbness, and even convulsions. Make sure that when you replenish your electrolyte levels, you do it in the optimal way.

Don’t rely on an electrolyte solution you can find in a store. Meet with our experts to help ensure that you’re taking effective steps on the road to recovery.

What causes a hangover?

Now, let’s discuss what causes a hangover in the first place. The simple answer is, obviously, alcohol! But why does drinking too much alcohol cause you to feel so bad?

When you drink alcohol, your body decreases the retention of fluids in your kidney. You will also urinate more frequently. When combined, these two effects lead to excess dehydration, and dehydration causes many hangover symptoms.

If you’re struggling with headaches or fatigue during your hangover, then dehydration (and a lack of electrolytes) is likely to blame.

A Judgment-Free Experience

When you come to Regain for hangover recovery, you’ll be able to relax. As you replenish your vital nutrients and fluids, you can ‌ close your eyes and recover.

The Regain experience isn’t just about helping you feel your best again—it’s about allowing you to enjoy the process itself.

We urge you to take advantage of the downtime that comes with a treatment like this. Our IV treatments let you recharge, both physically and mentally.

Our Rehydration Recommendation

At Regain, we recommend the Party Recovery IV for hangover recovery in Lawrence. This treatment provides the patient with saline, which can allow them to rehydrate faster than drinking a glass of water.

And as we now know, when we treat dehydration and replenish your electrolytes, we treat your hangover. But the Party Recovery IV is more than just a rehydration IV.

A woman receives Hangover Recovery in Lawrence

This treatment also includes a pain killer and a nausea suppressant, so you can get back to 100%. We treat your symptoms and the cause of those symptoms at the same time. Holistic solutions are what our experts do best.

Your Essential Vitamins and Minerals

There are more benefits to an IV than hydration. Our experts understand how to craft IV treatments to meet your specific needs.

The IV treatments at Regain contain vitamins and minerals that you need. An oral supplement may help you if you want to maintain your nutrient levels, but it isn’t the best choice if you need to drastically raise those levels.

These vitamins and minerals will not only help you rehydrate and replenish your nutrient levels, but they can also help treat any symptoms you may be suffering as a result. Now, let’s take a closer look at our IVs’ ingredients, so you can understand how they can aid the recovery process.

Impeccable Ingredients

Our IV infusions use ingredients of the highest quality. These ingredients can reduce the effects of your hangover. Let’s take a closer look at the ingredients that make up the Party Recovery IV and see how they can help you feel great again.

0.9% NaCl

0.9% NaCl, or “normal saline” will rehydrate your body and replace any fluids you may have lost while drinking.

B1 (thiamine)

Thiamine is a vitamin that helps cells generate energy and perform important reactions. After you consume alcohol, the body produces thiamine in decreased levels. An IV can replace lost vitamins.


You can find zinc all over the human body. It’s extremely important for hormone synthesis, wound healing, and anti-viral processes. 


Similar to morphine, toradol can provide pain relief. But as opposed to morphine, toradol will not induce any narcotic effects.

B2 (riboflavin)

If you’re suffering from a headache or increased irritability, you may need more B2. B2 helps with the synthesis of DNA or RNA, as well as energy production. 


Magnesium is another mineral important in the body’s biological functions. It increases your energy output, DNA synthesis, and more.


Zofran is a prescription medication designed to reduce nausea. Many cancer patients use Zofran after chemotherapy, and doctors may prescribe it for recovery following surgery.


5-MTHF allows the body to regulate sleep, moods, and hormones. Present in leafy green vegetables, 5-MTHF is beneficial for brain health and neurotransmitter production.


B-Complex combines every B vitamin—B1, B2, B3 (Niacin), B5 (pantothenate)  B6 (pyridoxine), B7 (biotin), B9 (folic acid), B12 (cobalamin). B vitamins can help synthesize DNA and derive energy from food.


The body does not produce b12, but you can find it in animal food. B12 is important for combatting a number of symptoms like fatigue, anemia, muscle cramps, dizziness, and more.

No Medication Mishaps

Because so many ingredients make up our IV for hangover recovery in Lawrence, it’s important to be open with your provider. While prescription medications will likely not prevent you from receiving an IV at Regain, they may affect the specifics of your treatment.

A provider and a patient discuss Hangover Recovery in Lawrence

We may need to adjust the amount of specific vitamins in your solution so you see the most beneficial effects possible. Luckily, we’re experts in customizing IV treatments to your body.

Each of our patients is different, and they have different needs, and we always make sure to take that into account as we plan your treatment.

A Procedure Without Prominent Pain

Patients often ask us if an IV treatment is painful, and we’re happy to report that you don’t have to worry about a thing.

If a provider has ever drawn blood from you during a physical or blood drive, then you probably have a good idea of what an IV treatment will feel like. The most pain you’ll notice is a small pinch as we insert the IV, but that is likely the extent of any discomfort you’ll feel during the procedure.

The point of hangover recovery in Lawrence is to make you feel better while you go about your day, so you shouldn’t have to feel any pain in the process.

Plan Your Treatment Online

Do you need to recover after a hangover? Do you want results you can’t experience from a treatment you can find in a store? Do you want to rehydrate and replenish your vitamin and mineral levels? Then you could benefit from an IV treatment at Regain.

While we offer an effective option for hangover recovery in Lawrence, we have plenty of other treatments, too. Not sure where to start? Try our custom online treatment tool.

With this tool, you can provide our team with the necessary information to get started on your treatment. It only takes a few minutes to fill out the form, and the best part is, it’s free! Give it a try today.


Treatment Planning Tool