When you hear the word “young,” you may picture any number of things. The term is subjective, changing as we get older. But even with so many different ideas of youth, it’s unlikely that wrinkles are among them.
Wrinkles are a natural part of the aging process, and as a result, they can add years to your appearance. If you want to reclaim your youthful look, consider a wrinkle reduction in Kansas City.
At Regain Functional Medicine + Aesthetics, we have a variety of choices for smoothing out your wrinkles. So read through to discover how you can get fresher, younger skin with a simple aesthetic treatment.
Custom Care, Every Time
When you come to Regain Functional Medicine + Aesthetics, you’re entering a world of options. We believe that every patient deserves a custom care plan.
Every patient who comes to us has a unique set of needs, and we want to make sure that your treatments provide the results you’re looking for. Because of our commitment to personalized care, our specialists can perform a variety of treatments for wrinkle reduction in Kansas City.
Whether you’re interested in a treatment with wrinkle relaxers or cosmetic fillers, the options are in your hands. Let our specialists build your perfect care plan at our clinic.
More Than a Spa
If you’ve never visited our team at Regain Functional Medicine + Aesthetics, we’re excited to meet you.

Regain is both a premier medical office as well as a state-of-the-art Medical Spa and is a regional resource for inner and outer well-being.
We’ve seen that, in the modern world, most people don’t take the time for self-care. It’s important that you set aside time for yourself now and then, and Regain can be your self-care destination.
Whether you’re interested in looking your best, feeling your best, or simply becoming your best on every front, we can offer expert recommendations. When you come to us, you should leave better than when you came, no matter what that means for you.
The Science Behind Wrinkles
In order to treat your wrinkles, our providers need to understand the science behind how wrinkles form, and you should too! When you’re informed, you can feel more comfortable during the treatment process.
First, we want to stress that wrinkles are nothing to be embarrassed about. At Regain, we aren’t changing your appearance beyond recognition; we’re simply enhancing what is already there.
Wrinkles form as we age. As we get older, the skin produces less elastin and collagen—two important proteins for healthy skin. With lower amounts of collagen and elastin, the skin will become loose and droopy, resulting in prominent wrinkles.
The aging process isn’t the only reason wrinkles may form on the skin, but it is the most common. Wrinkles can form as a result of several factors, many of which you can actively avoid.
Preventing Wrinkles
Before we discuss our wrinkle treatment options, we want to offer some advice on how you can prevent the formation of wrinkles in the first place. After all, there’s no reason to repair damaged skin if your habits will cause it to become wrinkly again in no time.
Not only is smoking bad for your lungs, it’s bad for your skin as well. Smoking damages your skin’s natural ability to repair itself, impacting your collagen and elastin levels. Don’t let an unhealthy habit impede your skin quality.
Sun Exposure
If you spend lots of time in direct sunlight, your skin may also age prematurely. Because of this, always be sure to wear sunscreen as part of your daily skincare routine.
Diet & Hydration
Drinking lots of water and maintaining a healthy diet are always good ideas, but doing so can also help you prevent wrinkles. Protein-rich foods and vitamin C can enhance collagen synthesis.
Filling Out Skin Concerns
The first option we have for wrinkle reduction in Kansas City is dermal fillers. Dermal fillers are injectables that can help patients restore lost volume in the face.

If you’ve ever felt that your face looked flat or tired, then dermal fillers could be a beneficial treatment. But dermal fillers can also help patients with droopy, wrinkled skin. As the dermal fillers add volume, loose skin will be lifted and tighter, resulting in fewer wrinkles.
We recommend this procedure for patients who are in good health and have mild to moderate wrinkles. For deeper lines and wrinkles, we may explore other treatment options that can provide more significant benefits.
Dermal fillers are a simple, minimally invasive treatment, requiring only a few quick injections. On the day of your treatment, we’ll bring you back to the treatment area and make sure you’re comfortable.
Before we begin the injections, we’ll apply numbing cream to the treatment area to ensure the procedure does not cause significant pain or irritation. The process shouldn’t take more than an hour from start to finish, but the specific duration will depend on the number of syringes you’re receiving.
Following your treatment with dermal fillers, you should be able to resume your day as normal. We like the dermal filler process because it doesn’t impede our patients’ daily lives.
The Dermal Filler Recovery Process
You will likely notice some physical side effects following your dermal filler treatment. You may have some swelling or bruising in the treatment area for a few days. For this reason, some patients choose to take a day of downtime following their procedure.
Before you go home after your treatment, your provider will offer advice to avoid severe swelling and bruising. It is recommended to avoid alcohol or salty foods for 24 hours following your treatment.
We also recommend using a cold compress to lessen the severity of your swelling. Additionally, sleeping face-up with your head elevated can further help to reduce swelling.
Ingenious Injections
Another treatment option we offer for wrinkle reduction in Kansas City is our injectable muscle relaxers, Botox and Daxxify. These injectables use botulinum toxin type A, a purified neurotoxin, to relax the muscles and eliminate wrinkles at the injection site.
But these muscle relaxers, also known as neuromodulators, can do more than eliminate wrinkles—they’re also an excellent way to reduce jaw pain, lip lines, and masseter tension. These injections can even help if you have perpetually down-turned corners of the mouth.
All it takes is the right injection to treat a variety of aesthetic conditions. The process is very simple. As with our dermal fillers, on the day of your procedure, we’ll give you a chance to ask any final questions and get you settled in the treatment chair.
Additionally, you will likely only need a single injection session to see the results you’re looking for, with results that can last for months.
Some patients avoid neuromodulator injections because they assume their features will appear stiff and frozen. But when you have the right providers behind you, you don’t have to worry about unnatural results. We want the effects of your treatment to appear organic and subtle in the right ways.
Our Injection Options
If you’re considering muscle relaxers for wrinkle reduction in Kansas City, you should know the difference between Botox and Daxxify. These injectables are our preferred muscle relaxers for eliminating facial wrinkles, but what makes them different?
Botox and Daxxify both use the neurotoxin botulinum toxin type A, so they will produce very similar results. These treatments can both last an average of 3 to 4 months, though for some patients, Daxxify may last a bit longer.
Both Botox and Daxxify can keep your skin smooth and free of wrinkles for 3-4 months, with Daxxify’s results possibly lasting a bit longer for some people.
But Daxxify has an advantage of its own, as well. Because Daxxify stimulates the production of collagen, you can see an improvement in your skin’s look, texture, and quality. Your provider can make a suggestion based on your goals.
Recovering After Muscle Relaxers
One of the major advantages of Botox and Daxxify for wrinkle reduction in Kansas City is that it requires absolutely zero downtime.

If you’re a busy professional like many of our patients, you don’t have lots of time to spend on your aesthetic treatment. But you can complete a Botox treatment over your lunch break.
You shouldn’t notice any prominent side effects after your treatment at Regain Functional Medicine + Aesthetics. Our specialists have performed countless injections just like this one, so when you come to our clinic for a muscle relaxer, rest assured—you’re in expert hands.
Read More About Your Options
At Regain, we strive to offer as many aesthetic treatments as possible. We know how inconvenient it is to drive all over town, meeting with several different providers for several different treatments.
When you schedule a treatment at Regain, you’re in the right place. We’re the only stop you need to make on your aesthetic and wellness journey.
If you want to learn more about your options, take a look at our blog. It has all the information you need about our many treatments. No matter what your goals are, we can find a treatment to help.
Schedule Your Consultation
Do you think you could benefit from a treatment for wrinkle reduction in Kansas City? Meet with our team at Regain Functional Medicine + Aesthetics. We have the resources you need to transform your skin for the better.
But before you can receive a dermal filler or neuromodulator injections, you need to complete a consultation. This free, in-person meeting is our method for finding the perfect treatment for your needs. Meet with one of our specialists today.