It’s surprising how much a single feature can affect your self-confidence. If you’ve stood in front of the mirror obsessing about your double chin, then you should know you have options to eliminate it! Some people may have a double chin even if they’re at their target weight.
Depending on your age, skin quality, and fat distribution, you may find that your double chin is more stubborn than others.
The good news is, with the right aesthetic treatment, you can get the defined jaw and unforgettable profile you’ve always wanted.
See how our team at Regain Functional Medicine + Aesthetics can transform your appearance with a double chin reduction in Kansas City. Read on, and we can answer any questions you may have about this treatment.
How does Kybella work?
You don’t need an invasive procedure to eliminate your double chin. All you need are a few simple injections!
Kybella uses deoxycholic acid to destroy fat cells in the deposit beneath your chin. After these fat cells are destroyed, your body can completely absorb them. This will have a significant impact on your appearance and the strength of your silhouette.
One benefit of Kybella for double chin reduction in Kansas City is that the procedure is not overly painful or irritating. Some patients notice a slight warming sensation at the site of the injections, but this won’t last long. You can experience serious results without serious discomfort.
How long does the procedure take?
The length of your Kybella procedure may vary depending on your treatment goals and condition, but a session shouldn’t take longer than half an hour. Kybella is what some providers refer to as a “lunchtime procedure.”
Because there is absolutely no downtime required after this treatment, and it takes less than an hour, you should be able to complete a Kybella procedure over your lunch break. This procedure can provide significant results without affecting your busy schedule.
How long can patients enjoy the results of their treatment?
You can enjoy the results from the treatment of your double chin in Kansas City permanently! Kybella is such an effective treatment because the results can last forever. However, you won’t experience those results immediately.
Many patients need to wait at least 3 months before they see the full effect of their Kybella treatment.
Other patients will have to wait as long as 6 months before their bodies completely dispose of their fat cells. But once the process is complete, your Kybella results will look natural and organic, and you can enjoy them forever.
Will I notice any side effects following my Kybella treatment?
Many patients notice swelling in the treatment area, but not to worry—this is completely temporary.
You can also take some steps to reduce the severity of your swelling if need be. We recommend that you avoid intense exercise for at least 2 to 3 days following your procedure.
Furthermore, a cold compress can also minimize swelling. If your swelling still has not gone down, then our next piece of advice is to do nothing! Leave the injection site alone, and the swelling will naturally subside over time.
How can I receive a Kybella treatment?
If you think that a Kybella treatment is the right choice for your double chin reduction in Kansas City, then reach out to us today. Schedule a consultation with our team, and we’ll sit down with you to go over your treatment goals.

We’ll also discuss your medical history and other details. Once that’s complete, we’ll schedule your first Kybella session. Don’t wait to get the aesthetic treatment you deserve.