Sexual Health Clinic in Lawrence

Transform Your Sex Life for the Better at Regain

Attractive couple sharing intimate moments in bedroom after going to the sexual health clinic in Lawrence

An unfulfilling sex life can cause problems for your general outlook, your health, and your relationships. From anxiety and depression to estrangement and isolation, sexual dysfunction can make intimacy the last thing on your mind, even when it’s the first thing you desire.

At Regain Functional Medicine + Aesthetics, our sexual health clinic in Lawrence provides therapies, treatments, and medications for women and men to reclaim confidence in their intimacy. Request a compassionate, nonjudgmental consultation to discover pathways to healing that also lead to more pleasure in the bedroom.

You Don’t Have a Problem If You Don’t Have a Problem

Sexual dysfunction (such as erectile dysfunction) only poses a problem if it adversely affects your quality of life. As a unique individual, your sexual needs and desires are your own. Should you not feel them as others do, and your quality of life isn’t diminished by the dysfunction, then honestly—you don’t have a problem.

However, if you’re curious about what we can do to boost libido and make sex more inviting for you, we would be more than glad to discuss your situation and offer a custom treatment plan.

The Importance of Sexual Function

A quality sex life can contribute to your mental, emotional, and physical well-being. Intimacy and the sharing of pleasure helps people connect with others, while providing other proven health benefits.

Physical Health

Sex can activate neurotransmitters that impact the brain and other organs. These “feel good” chemicals and hormones can lead to:

  • Lowered blood pressure
  • Better heart health
  • An improved immune system

Orgasms also release endorphins, which can block pain and improve a person’s overall sense of well-being.

Mental Health

The release of those “feel good” chemicals and hormones after satisfying sex can help reduce stress and anxiety in both you and your partner. The giving and receiving of this pleasure can also improve your self-esteem, increasing feelings of happiness and contentment. Special bonus: better sleep!

Social Health

Intimacy can help people create connections with others, a bonding that boosts feelings of closeness and mutual affections. It can also contribute to shaping a person’s social and intellectual dimensions, helping them to feel more open to building nonsexual relationships.

Let’s Talk About Sex

Take your first step by requesting a consultation at our sexual health clinic in Lawrence. We’ll sit down with you in a safe and nonjudgmental environment to discuss your needs and concerns.

By getting to know you, your medical history, and your goals, we can create a custom treatment plan that can revive your drive for better days—and more pleasurable nights.

About Regain Functional Medicine + Aesthetics

At Regain, our team treats the whole person. Each patient receives compassionate care, with treatments and therapies that restore, rejuvenate, and heal the inside and the outside with precision, skill, and innovation.

Call us when you’re ready to:

  • Feel better.
  • Function better.
  • Move better.
  • Look better.

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